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Entries in West of East (2)


West of East 

We're very happy and excited to have West of East (Tim Suchoki & Sara Moilanen) return to Stumpjack.

One of the best recordings released in the last year or two, in our humble opinion, was West of East's "Love in the Twilight Zone." Check out some of the excellent tunes on their facebook site under "Artist Profile": or at

Tim and Sara will be performing with their friend and special guest Ricky Ganiere (

$3 cover charge.

We highly recommend you join us this weekend, but only if you like really excellent musicianship, well-written songs and beautiful vocals.


Odds & Sods

What's it like to be a coffeeshop in a small city? It's alternately wonderful & crappy. I'll be delving into that query in a series of posts in the weeks to come.

We've got a couple of great events coming up next weekend. The first, on Saturday, May 1st, is the return of West of East, the duo of Tim Suchoki and Sara Moilanen. Tim and Sara have performed with us three or four times now.  Their music features female vocals that mix the subtle velvety style of Norah Jones with the power of Neko Case backed by acoustic guitars and highlighted with a "Countrified-Folk" style of electric guitar. They released a gorgeous CD, "Love in the Twilight Zone," late last year. Whenever we play it in the shop we invariably get questions asking who it is and comments about how good it is.

Tim and Sara are coming up from Milwaukee with the show starting at 7:00pm. Come on down and have a beer or latte with us, support the continuation of good live music in town, and enjoy an hour or two of good weekend vibes.


Then, on Sunday, May 2nd, we have a very special event planned at around 4:00. We're normally closed by 1:00 on Sundays so you know this must be good if we're going to come back to open at 4:00 for this. From 2:00 to 3:30 at the Two Rivers Community House Patrick DeWayne will be presenting his one-man show, The Mushroom Picker, which is a beautiful and moving presentation about his grandfather's life during WWII.

Please check out the website link above to get an idea of what a special event this is. And make sure to watch the short film on the site. We'll be closing at our usual 1:00 to go over to the Community House to see Patrick's play. Then at 4:00 Patrick and anyone else who wants to join us will come back to Stumpjack for a post-show discussion. This is an performance that, by all accounts, you would definitely be glad you saw. It's open and free to the public.

Here are but a couple reviews: