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Tony Memmel returns some other night!

Attention Shoppers! The Tony Memmel gig announced below has been canceled for tonight & is being rescheduled for sometime next month. Bummer...BUT come on down anyway, bring a CD & we'll play some tunes, drink some beer & tell stories of love & combat!

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Reader Comments (2)

Yes I agree, this dress is a favorite of mine also and very flattering to Mrs. O. She looks great in white, cream and yelllow-lime colors. And speaking of belts, this belt-band is the right width for her. It does not shorten her already high waisted upper body The proportions here are very nice.replica hermes|

September 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterconsumer

Great podcast! Thanks, Bevan. It's funny, how sometimes you know something, but forget or don't apply it to different areas of your life until somebody points it out to you. Louis Vuitton replica

December 8, 2010 | Unregistered Commentercelestine

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