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Entries in World Turtle Day (1)


Tonight's line-up

Hello All...
A quick program change for tonight. Kelly Underwood won't be able to make it tonight as she called and is under the weather. But the indomitable Bill Walkner will be filling the house with his fun and sassy tunes. So, tonight at 8pm...Bill Walkner!

Unfortunately for all of you monkey owners, Kelly was our go-to gal for the monkey grooming tonight, so that's been postponed as well. I suppose we could substitute a pet turtle waxing for any turtle owners out there, as I have some experience with that myself and could probably offer that service. I'll check my turtle waxing supplies and get back to you on that...they may be a little depleted from our May 23rd World Turtle Day celebration a few months ago (think I'm kidding? Google it, baby).

Bill Walkner at 8:00pm tonight at Stumpjack Coffee.