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Entries in Nate Walkner (4)


A good night for art & music

Early in the night, that's Nate in the lower left.
Last night was a lot of fun. Nate's exhibition went over very well, with a lot of compliments for his photos. The pieces look great on the wall, have a very peacefully eerie nighttime vibe to them, and the colors fortuitously go very well with the colors and lighting of the gallery space.

Dancing and hooty-hooting.
Lloyd Rohr performed the music for the night, with Bill Walkner sitting in for much of Lloyd's set. The two of them were on fire last night, helped along by an extremely enthusiastic cheering section (I think they were actually groupies of a sort...dancing, hollering, clapping and whistling). Lloyd and Bill looked like they were having a blast ripping into their tunes and responding to the crowd.

Tonight at 7:00pm: snorb!
Be here or live in shame.


Friday the 13th & Valentine's Day

Another very cool poster from Tina Kugler...Tina rocks it, no doubt.

Friday night at 7:00 we have a double-header of sorts. Lloyd Rohr will be performing. If you've seen Lloyd before you know that his music makes for a very mellow and enjoyable evening. He's an accomplished guitar player and plays songs that just about anyone and everyone enjoys, with a mix of his own songs and familiar favorites.
Lloyd Rohr

Also, Friday is the opening reception for "Local Color: A Panorama-o-rama," featuring photographs by Nate Walkner. Click here to go to the HTR Lakeshore Update page with a nice description of Nate's photography for this show.
Nate Walkner photo

Saturday, the 14th, is Valentine's Day. We're having a very nice wine and specialty pizza thing that you can participate in if you RSVP. Click here to see Kim's blog with the details. And then at 7:00 we're excited to have snorb! performing their brand of jazz and fusion. I've been listening to these guys via their myspace site. They are good, real good. They hail from West Lafayette, Indiana and apparently have won all of the cool music awards a band can win in that region. It'll be a great way to spend Valentine's evening.


Kerry and Bill Flickr pics

Bill by Nate Walkner.

Just finished putting the images onto Flickr from the weekend...Kerry Michaels from Friday night and Bill Walkner from Saturday night (the last four gorgeous photographs of Bill in that set are by Bill's son Nate's hand...beautiful shots aren't they.) Again, Flickr sets are also in the right hand column.


Images from Nate's Friday art reception

Click here to visit the Flickr images from Friday's opening reception for Nate's "Robots, Monsters & Rockets" showing.

Will add some images from Becky's Saturday night gig when Doug gets me the disc of pictures he took (in the next few days).