Images from a few days ago

Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
Last minute notice: Tonight at 8:00...DEREK PRITZL at Stumpjack Coffee. Derek has become a regular performer here at Stumpjack and he just keeps getting better and better every time. He's always writing new songs, connecting more and more with his audience. putting out 100% every single time. Apologies for getting this email out so late (I think I need an assistant...preferably one who also does massage therapy and knows how to make a good martini).
Come on down to Two Rivers tonight...there's great live music here, later at the Waverly with Bryan Lee, and then there's always live music at Element Bistro on Saturday night as's a trifecta of great nightlife on the lakeshore!
Derek Pritzl and Scott Cowling rocked the Stump for three hours (yeah, three hours!) tonight. We have to start cleaning up so the short report is that the house was full, everyone loved Derek, Scott plays some mighty tasty guitar, and we might have a video or two to put on here when Derek hooks us up with a disc from tonight.
Saturday night at 7:00pm...Derek Pritzl !
Did you see today's Weekend Edition in the paper? Mighty nice article on our pal Derek Pritzl (by Helen Clarke...that gal is a fine writer) and great photos (they have some excellent photographers at the HTR too...the photographs of 2007 insert in today's paper is great, a very nice bonus). Anyway, come on by Saturday night to see and hear Derek perform.