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12 Days of Christmas - day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas Stumpjack gave to meeeeee...This is the LAST DAY of the Stumpjack 12 Days of Christmas specials. Frankly, it was a bit of a challenge coming up with a final special deal. But Kim suggested that there might be some last minute shoppers out and about and I thought if I were one of those folks I would love to have a little tasty, caffeinated treat to both warm me up and get me going...and then I thought the best Christmas treat would something tasty, caffeinated and FREE!'s final 12 Days of Christmas special is a free double shot of the best dang espresso you'll find outside of Italy (ok, maybe Portland too).

Double shot of Stumpjack espresso
(in-house to-go orders)

And if you smile and ask for another we'll give you a second one on the house too...
We're feeling the Christmas spirit!

Today only, while we're open (we're 'sposed to be open til 4:00 but you might want to stop in before that because I might just close early today)

BTW, the two images above I borrowed from a guy who goes by the name of Tonx. I've enjoyed his photography for some time now. You can check out more of his stuff at his Flickr site.

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