Best Stumpjack related facebook posts of the week
Thursday, August 26, 2010 at 8:55PM
Stumpjack in facebook


Rebecca Markvart is sleeping in her Stumpjack t-shirt tonight! Here's to all you stumpjumpers out there in facebook land! :) Tuesday at 12:02am

Lisa Hynek Heili sounds vaguely dirty...

Rebecca Markvart Hehe...I didn't sleep real well...was it the shirt??? lol just's VERY comfortable and everyone should have one!! ;) I, personally have more than 4. lol

Brian Powell And one or two sweatshirts. ;-)

Rebecca Markvart Oh yeah! I have 2 sweatshirts too!!! one a hoodie! ;)

Brian Powell That makes you a Certifiable Stumpjumper. Is CS a rare condition? Hopefully there is no cure for that. :-)



Mark Hubing STUMPJACK COFFEE COMPANY is the real deal: great people, friendship, coffee, panini sandwiches, atmosphere! Thanks, again, for having us up for some music! Brew long and prosper!!! : ) August 22 at 5:16pm



Steve Bucklin Stumpjack ! August 18 at 10:45pm via HTC Sense

Stumpjack Coffee SNORB! mofo's!
...oh, sorry, I occasionally just shout that out like The Tick shouts "SPOON!"August 18 at 11:01pm



Chase Schwartz Oh Stumpjack Coffee co., You're the greatest thing that's happened since Cheese Whizz! Tuesday at 2:05pm



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