Wine & Biscotti
Friday, November 19, 2010 at 1:34PM
Stumpjack in biscotti, pairing, wine

Most people associate biscotti, those oblong, semi-hard cookies, with coffee. That's a valid association. Biscotti are made for dipping in your morning coffee. But many biscotti are also made to go with wine and champaign. Yes, you can dip them right in the bubbly, it's perfectly all right! While you probably couldn't get away with dipping an Oreo or Fig Newton in your champaign flute, at least not without receiving a raised eyebrow or two, biscotti are the kind of elegant sweet that are made for such fun.

Stumpjack is having a wine & biscotti pairing Friday the 26th (see the graphic below). You will need to RSVP us and let us know if you're coming to this. It'll be a miserly $10 a person to taste a few wines and an equal number of tasty biscotti.

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