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Entries in Kerry Michaels (11)


This Friday and Saturday night

Kerry Michaels - Friday night at 7:00 pm. Last week, I think it was, Kerry was spotlighted in the Herald Times Reporter Weekend Edition. He remains one of the real special talents in the local music scene...every time he plays with us it's a fun time and the music is always outstanding. Kerry's working on a new CD right now, and he'll likely be playing some of his new songs Friday night.

Bill Walkner - Saturday night at 7:00 pm. Bill performed for his son Nate's photography opening last month...and we had to have him come back for his own gig after listening to him that night. Bill wrote a most excellent folk song about Stumpjack Coffee too and that alone is worth coming to hear Bill play on Saturday night.


Live Music at the Stump this weekend

Saturday night at around 8:00
Kerry Michaels doin' his thang...


Entertainment this weekend...

Last night, Friday the 18th...

Friday night (18th) and Saturday night (19th)

Kerry Michaels is bringing his fantastic songwriting and guitar playing skills to Stumpjack.

Both nights' music begins at around 8:00 and we'll go til around 10:00.

(We're pushing the start time back an hour for our live music nights, starting and ending later)

It's always a great time when Kerry plays, so be sure to swing on by.

Last night too...

Tonight...just a few minutes ago...get down here now!


Prom Night in Two Rivers

Last night Kerry performed, prom dates danced together, people sampled Russian beer, and the evening weather was fantastic. Another fun, relaxing and beautiful evening of music and friends at Stumpjack.

Two Rivers' Prom was last night and we had some finely attired couples enjoying the space and coffee after the dance. Kerry was great and played a few slow tunes to dance to. Ahhh...amore'...pretty cool to see.

We are going to be experimenting with our beer list a bit more frequently, adding and trying out some unusual brews from time to time, and right now we have three new Russian beers on hand (in addition to the fantastic Sleeman beers that have become our mainstay). I'll write more about them in a different post, but since we brought them in a couple days ago people have been sampling them and the critiques have been very good.

Kerry played one of his new compositions for us last night, a lovely though somber ballad that reminded me just what a fine songwriter he is.

We've got a pretty full schedule of weekend entertainment next month (3 weekends in a row right now), so check back in a day or two when I post the calendar here. Ciao!


Live Music Saturday Night

Kerry Michaels will be bringing his songwriting and guitar playing talent to the Stumpjack this Saturday evening at 7:00. Be here or regret it brother!