We've moved

Creative Sustenance may now be found at http://creativesustenance.net (or https://creativesustenance.sqsp.com/). It's a beautiful new site.
Help keep the stumpjack off the endangered species list.
Creative Sustenance may now be found at http://creativesustenance.net (or https://creativesustenance.sqsp.com/). It's a beautiful new site.
Right now facebook is the qucker and easier format for us to work in as it concerns sharing info and images of our gardening, foraging and cooking activities. This site's updated will likely continue to be sporadic for the next two to three months as we continue to work on more pressing tasks, but again, ultimately we intend for this website to be the primary conduit for sharing news...it just has to sit on the backburner for a little while longer. But you sure can get enough little snippets of good stuff via our facebook page...."friend" us here: https://www.facebook.com/JavaTikiKing.
We had a thunderstorm last night, apparently with winds that approached 60mph at times. I love thunderstorms, but this one reeked havoc on the garden, pretty well leveling almost everything and breaking several plants.
I plucked eggplant from plants that had been broken off at the ground, picked sunberries from a bush that was toppled over in its bed, harvested swiss chard that the wind had tangled with turnip greens and pulled a bucket of lettuce that was flattened like it had been ironed. As it was too much for us to store and eat in a timely manner, I gave my parents' half of the booty.
Fortunately no large tree limbs came down, which was the case with many other folks, and the tomatoes took what looks to be only minor damage. Time to clean out the beds to replant and reseed.